Mental health strategy: third annual progress report

Our third progress report on the mental health strategy 2017 to 2027.

Annex B: Mental Health Strategy Actions Incorporated Into Transition and Recovery Plan

Action Mental Health Strategy Action Transition and Recovery Plan Section
Prevention and early intervention
2 Roll out improved mental health training for those who support young people in educational settings Children, Young People and Families
4 Complete the rollout of national implementation support for targeted parenting programmes for parents of 3- and 4-year olds with conduct disorder by 2019-20. Children, Young People and Families
5 Ensure the care pathway includes mental and emotional health and wellbeing, for young people on the edges of, and in, secure care. Children, Young People and Families
6 Determine and implement the additional support needed for practitioners assessing and managing complex needs among children who present a high risk to themselves or others. Children, Young People and Families
7 Support an increase in support for the mental health needs of young offenders, including on issues such as trauma and bereavement. Forensic Mental Health Services
8 Work with partners to develop systems and multi-agency pathways that work in a co-ordinated way to support children's mental health and wellbeing. Children, Young People and Families
9 Support the further development of "Think Positive‟ to ensure consistent support for students across Scotland. Children, Young People and Families
10 Support efforts through a refreshed Justice Strategy to help improve mental health outcomes for those in the justice system. Forensic Mental Health Services
11 Complete an evaluation of the Distress Brief Intervention by 2021 and work to implement the findings from that evaluation. Distress Interventions
13 Ensure unscheduled care takes full account of the needs of people with mental health problems and addresses the longer waits experienced by them. Mental Health Services
14 Work with NHS 24 to develop its unscheduled mental health services to complement locally-based services. Mental Health Services
Access to treatment and joined-up, accessible services
15 Increase the workforce to give access to dedicated mental health professionals to all A&Es, all GP practices, every police station custody suite, and to our prisons. Over the next five years increasing additional investment to £35 million for 800 additional mental health workers in those key settings. Mental Health Services
17 Fund improved provision of services to treat child and adolescent mental health problems. Children, Young People and Families
19 Commission Lead Clinicians in CAMHS to help develop a protocol for admissions to non-specialist wards for young people with mental health problems. Children, Young People and Families
24 Fund work to improve provision of psychological therapy services and help meet set treatment targets. Mental Health Services
26 Ensure the propagation of best practice for early interventions for first episode psychosis, according to clinical guidelines. Mental Health Services
The physical wellbeing of people with mental health problems
27 Test and learn from better assessment and referral arrangements in a range of settings for dual diagnosis for people with problem substance use and mental health diagnosis. Mental Health Services
28 Offer opportunities to pilot improved arrangements for dual diagnosis for people with problem substance use and mental health diagnosis. Mental Health Services
30 Ensure equitable provision of screening programmes, so that the take up of physical health screening amongst people with a mental illness diagnosis is as good as the take up by people without a mental illness diagnosis. Mental Health Services
Rights, information use, and planning
32 Use a rights-based approach in the statutory guidance on the use of mental health legislation. Mental Health Law
33 Commission a review of whether the provisions in the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Act fulfil the needs of people with learning disability and autism, taking forward new legislative measures if necessary. Mental Health Law
34 Reform Adults With Incapacity (AWI) legislation. Mental Health Law
35 Work with key stakeholders to better understand Mental Health Officer capacity and demand, and to consider how pressures might be alleviated. Mental Health Services
36 Work with employers on how they can act to protect and improve mental health, and support employees experiencing poor mental health. Employment



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