Mental health strategy: third annual progress report

Our third progress report on the mental health strategy 2017 to 2027.

Annex A: Update on the Progress of Continuing Mental Health Strategy Actions

Action Update
Action 11: Distress Brief Interventions. We continue to work with the DBI Programme Manager and wider DBI partners to support this work - and on the commitment to embed the principles of DBI in all NHS Boards by 2024.

The new NHS24 Covid pathway continues to build; we now have 3 Associate Sites live, in addition to the 4 original pilot sites. Further Associate Sites are expected to go live later in 2021. These will be key building blocks towards the 2024 commitment.

The final report of the independent evaluation of the DBI programme will help inform detail of how we work towards this commitment and the commitment to embed the principles of DBI in all NHS Boards by 2024.

The final report was expected to be submitted by the contractors by 31 March 2021. Due to a number of unforeseen issues, including Covid and problems with accessing some of the referral data, the preparation of the report has been delayed and is now expected to be submitted later in Spring 2021.
Action 15: The recruitment of 800 additional mental health workers. As at 1 July 2020, an additional 485.60 whole time equivalent (WTE) mental health roles have been filled using Action 15 funding. This equates to 60.7% of the overall target.

We are currently collating recruitment data up until 1 January 2021. 

We have made over £51 million available to date since 2018-19 to deliver Action 15, and we will continue to invest next year as necessary to ensure we meet the commitment.
Action 19: Publication of a protocol for admissions of young people to adult wards. We published the Children in Adult Wards Protocol[3] on 26th June 2020. The action is now complete.
Action 22: Support for young people with eating disorders. The CARED site won the Alliance Scotland Self-Management Resource of the Year 2018. Ongoing promotion of online peer support via videos shared on social media and the CARED Scotland website. It has met the annual recruitment targets of 15 parents and carers and 45 young people to receive the service. The action is now complete.
Action 26: Early intervention in psychosis. The Early Intervention in Psychosis Improvement Network has been taking forward the actions within 'Our Vision to Improve Early Intervention in Psychosis in Scotland' which was published in 2019.

The Network is due to present a report on the first stage of improvement work to the Scottish Government in the coming weeks.



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