Education Maintenance Allowances: 2013-14

Education Maintenance Allowances data for academic year 2013-14

2. Background to EMA

EMAs were introduced across Scotland from August 2004 for 16 year olds. In academic year 2005-06 eligibility was extended to include all 17 year olds and in academic year 2006-07 eligibility was further extended to include 18 year olds. Full roll out to 19 year olds was completed in 2007-08.

Initially, the EMA scheme consisted of both weekly payments and additional bonus payments to recipients. The weekly payments consisted of £10, £20 and £30 categories, dependent on the household income of the recipient. Following satisfactory attendance and completion of a learning agreement, additional bonus payments of £150 each were payable in January and June.

In 2009 changes were made to the EMA scheme in response to the Scottish Government's '16+ Learning Choices - First Step Activity and Financial Support' consultation. The £10 and £20 payments were removed and the income threshold for the £30 payment was aligned with that of the 'away from home' element of further education bursaries (£20,351). An additional, higher income threshold (£22,403) was also introduced for families with more than one dependent child. These changes were introduced for new entrants to the EMA scheme at the beginning of the academic year 2009-10 and are reflected in this publication.

In June 2010 the Scottish Government announced that as of the 2010-11 academic year, EMA bonus payments would be withdrawn from all recipients (both new and existing). The Scottish EMA Regulations were also subsequently amended to ensure that those eligible young people who live in Scotland but study in England were able to receive EMA support for their studies.

Additional information on Education Maintenance Allowance in Scotland can be found at:


Email: Lisa Bell

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