Open Government action plan 2021 to 2025 - commitment 4: climate change

Overview of the climate change commitment, including milestones and their co-creation process, alongside progress reports submitted throughout the action plan.

Progress to October 2023

Commitment 4: climate change


Establish stakeholder group for co-creation (April 2022).

Progress and next steps

Success criteria: Number of stakeholders joining co-creation group (monitored through engagement).
Update: 9 stakeholders across a range of climate and non-climate sectors joined the core co-creation group.
Success criteria: Hold information session to inform stakeholders of OGP process and plans (monitored through session attendance).
Update: Information session held in April with 9 stakeholders attended.




Consultation with stakeholder group (May 2022)

Progress and next steps

Success criteria: Number of stakeholders responding to framing questions (monitored through email).
Update: Framing questions were sent out to all stakeholder, 5 stakeholders responded.
Success criteria: Sharing of anonymised responses to stakeholder group (monitored through email).
Update: The 5 responses were shared anonymously with the whole group.




Co-draft the network Terms of Reference (June-July 2022).  

Progress and next steps

Success criteria: Ability of Scottish Government (SG) to adopt learning from framing questions into ToR (monitored by feedback from stakeholder group).
Update: Terms of Reference were drafted by SG team and sent out to review by stakeholder group with minimal and positive feedback.
Success criteria: Sign-off and approval of ToR by stakeholder group (monitored by emailed comments).
Update: Feedback on ToR were positive and no objections raised.




Set up a digital platform to house network (August-January 2022).    

Progress and next steps

Plan: Explore options and develop a suitable digital platform for the network, considering requirements relating to functionality, accessibility and cost.
Success criteria: Establishing a digital platform with required functionality (monitored through annual member survey).
Update: Explored suitable digital platforms for the network with SG Digital Engagement team. ‘Mighty Networks’ identified as most suitable platform due to functionality and accessibility. Platform going through final security checks prior to purchase of subscription.
Success criteria: Developing digital platform within a small budget to be determined based on platform decision (monitored by budget spend).
Update: Business case approved by Deputy Director for digital platform subscription.
Success criteria: Develop launch materials for the platform, including a welcome pack for network members (monitored by adherence of users/members to these rules and guidelines).
Update: Materials developed and ready to be circulated for launch. Materials include information about policy, engagement guidelines, welcome post etc.




Successfully launch the stakeholder network (March 2023).

Progress and next steps

Plan: Launch the stakeholder network, sending out initial invites to relevant organisations along with background material on OGP, the ToR, forward-planner of potential milestones, and resources for climate literacy and accessibility/inclusivity.
Success criteria: At least 20 stakeholders joining the network initially (monitored through digital platform).
Update: Invite List collated of 100+ initial invitees (Dec ’22 – Jan ’23). All invitees are offered to attend info sessions, and about 50 organisations joined info sessions in the first quarter of 2023. Invitations to join the network were sent out in March and follow-up reminders in April.
One month post launch, the network has over 70 members representing 60+ organisations across a range of different sectors, interest and demographics.
Success criteria: Opportunities identified for the network to feed into core engagement processes and planning and their delivery (monitored by extent of engagement with SG teams).
Update: Forward planner with upcoming opportunities has been developed and sent out for launch. First engagement activity went live to the network the week after launch, and planning for a CCP engagement activity is also underway




Network to advise on engagement activity for Just Transition Plans (April 2023 onwards).       

Progress and next steps

Plan: SG team to present opportunities for members to advise on engagement activity for Just Transition Plans (JTPs). Members to opt in to opportunities where they see their advice relevant.
Success criteria: At least 4 opportunities for network members to opt in to advise on JTP engagement activity (monitored through digital platform).
Update: 6 opportunities to advise on the upcoming JTPs through engagement using the JTP discussion papers. Activity covered place-based engagement, business and public sector, and industry-specific engagement sessions.
Success criteria: At least 10 members to advise on each opportunity (monitored through the digital platform).
Update: More than 10 stakeholders advised on each opportunity, although the engagement activity was usually open to audiences outside the Network too, so it has not been determined how many network members advised on each opportunity.
Success criteria: Ensuring network’s input is utilised and ‘You Said, We Did’ type feedback is given to the network on the outcomes of their involvement at the end of each activity (monitored through the digital platform).
Update: A feedback process has been completed for the first ask put to the network, and collective feedback is underway for the remaining 5. As they all feed into the upcoming JTPs it is more appropriate to assess collectively.   


In progress


Network to advise on engagement activity for the Climate Change Plan (April 2023 onwards).      

Progress and next steps

Plan: Scottish Government team to present opportunities for members to advise on engagement activity for Climate Change Plan (CCP). Members to opt in to opportunities where they see their advice relevant.
This milestone is dependent on the progress of publishing the next CCP, which is currently unclear.  
Success criteria: At least 4 opportunities for network members to opt in to advise on CCP engagement activity (monitored through the digital platform).
Success criteria: At least 10 members advise on each opportunity (monitored through the digital platform).
Success criteria: Ensuring network’s input is utilised and ‘You Said, We Did’ type feedback is given to the network on the outcomes of their involvement at the end of each activity (monitored through the digital platform).


In progress


Deliver six monthly network meetings (October and April).    

Progress and next steps

Plan: Bi-annual network meetings, co-chaired by the Public Engagement team and members of the network, to offer discussion, reviews, feedback on previous six months and a forward-look of the next six months.
Success criteria: Attendance at the meetings by at least 50% of the network membership (monitored by attendance).
Success criteria: Ability to use the meetings for continuous improvement purposes, for example embedding feedback into the forward-look activities (monitored by levels of feedback and relevant actions completed).


To be completed


Ensure a robust network (March 2023 onwards).        

Progress and next steps

Plan: Continually evaluate the progress and success of the network, prioritising listening to member feedback, ensure continued engagement, relevancy and satisfaction with the network’s functions.
Success criteria: Representativeness of the network, including coverage of climate/non-climate sectors, and demographics/protected characteristics (monitored through the digital platform and the annual member survey).
Update: Initial membership has a wide reach, covering both climate and non-climate organisations, and different geographies and demographics of Scotland. Member organisations includes representatives from the public sector, equality groups, community organisations, academia and more. Monitoring and efforts to expand membership is ongoing.  
Success criteria: Overall positive satisfaction from members with the ability to engage and influence (monitored through the annual member survey).


In progress

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