Planning Circular 6/2011: Compulsory purchase orders

Scottish Government policy on making compulsory purchase orders.


1. A compulsory purchase order can allow various organisations 4 to acquire land without the owner's permission, where there is a strong enough case for this in the public interest. This can help local authorities and other public bodies to assemble the land they need where it is impossible or impractical to buy the land by agreement. Indeed, without compulsory purchase many projects in the public interest would not be possible.

2. Depriving an individual or business of their rights is a serious step that the authority should consider carefully. However, compulsory purchase can play a vital role. It can help deliver urban and rural regeneration, revitalising communities, creating jobs and promoting business.

3. Scottish Ministers encourage authorities to recognise that in some cases acquiring all interests by agreement will not be possible or practicable in a reasonable time or at a reasonable cost. In these cases Ministers encourage authorities to use compulsory purchase positively and proactively, to promote sustainable economic growth, improve quality of life and bring real benefits to Scotland's communities.



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