Scottish farm business income: annual estimates 2019-2020

Farm business level estimates of average incomes for 2019-2020. For the most recent data, visit the Scottish farm business income (FBI) collection page below.

General cropping and dairy farms incomes decrease

A chart shows the Farm Business Income of general cropping and dairy farms each year since 2012 to 2013.

Dairy and general cropping farms typically have high incomes. Their performance has varied a lot in recent years. Some farms make larger incomes than average, but some will also be making a loss.

£69,100 - General cropping average income

General cropping farms had the highest average income by farm type this year. Their average income was estimated at £69,100. Dairy farms also continued to have a high average income.

Both farm types experienced a decrease in average income in 2019-20.

These farms are sensitive to market prices and experience fluctuating performance as a result. For example, a fall in milk prices in 2015-16 resulted in the lowest average dairy income in the last eight years. Milk prices

The decrease in farm income in 2019-20 for general cropping was largely due to a decreased value from cereals and potatoes.



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