Scotland's finances 2020 to 2021: key facts and figures

Guide setting out key information about how the system of public finances in Scotland stands in 2020 to 2021, and how this system is changing.

Our financial system in 2020-21

Scottish budget in 2020-21 is £49.5 billion

  • The Scottish Government’s latest published accounts are for 2018-19 and they were given a clean bill of health by Audit Scotland. This was the 14th consecutive year they received an unqualified opinion.
  • l For financial year 2018-19 the Scottish Government, its Executive Agencies and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service made 99.0% of all payments within 10 days.
  • For all taxes set, raised or assigned in Scotland, the block grant is reduced.

Taxes set in Scotland in 2020-21

  • Scottish Income Tax
  • Non-Domestic Rates
  • Land And Buildings Transaction Tax
  • Scottish Landfill Tax



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