Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's autumn/winter vaccination strategy 2021

Strategy outlining our progress on COVID-19 vaccinations and plans for COVID-19 and seasonal influenza (flu) vaccinations in autumn and winter 2021 to 2022 in Scotland.

15. Outbreak management

As we have moved together out of the lockdown, community transmission has increased as could be expected as general societal engagement has returned and schools, businesses and hospitality have begun to open up more fully. The established process of Outbreak Management as set out in the Management of Public Health Incidents Guidance continues to operate and Local Health Boards closely monitor case rates to direct action and convene dedicated Incident Management Team meetings where and when required.

Wider health and social care services have resumed and the focus on the management of COVID-19 has advanced to larger outbreaks, outbreaks in complex settings and protecting the most vulnerable. The importance of maintaining baseline measures, proactive testing and contact tracing remains the key response tool at the local level.

We continue to work closely with PHS and Health Boards in the development of guidance across all sectors and to provide information and support. This has included the development of an Outbreak Toolkit designed for use by local partners engaged in outbreak response. First developed to support the enhanced response following emergence of the Delta variant in Spring 2021. The Toolkit support practitioners managing larger community outbreaks and includes material to aid enhanced testing; prioritisation of local vaccination roll out; and enhanced local communication including examples of working with religious and community leaders to support community engagement.

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