Public attitudes to Coronavirus – June and early July summary

This report includes some high level findings from recent polling work on public attitudes to the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland. Reports covering earlier survey work were published on 8 May and 12 June 2020.

Annex B: Timeline of route map announcements

11 May

People can exercise for more than once a day

29 May

Enter phase one. Subject to safe physical distancing and hygiene measures, the following things are permitted:

  • Two households are able to meet outdoors, in a maximum group of 8 people
  • Travel is allowed to exercise or meet another household, within a recommended 5 mile
  • Sunbathing is permitted
  • Child minding services and outdoor nursery provision is available
  • Food outlets are able to offer take away, delivery or drive-through
  • Some non-contact outdoor sports resume, such as golf, tennis and angling

19 June

Enter phase two. Easing of restrictions include:

  • People who are shielding can go outdoors to exercise and meet people from one other household
  • People who live on their own or only with children under 18 can form an extended household
  • Urgent dental care can resume
  • Places of worship will be allowed to open for particular reasons

29 June

Further easing of measures in phase two, as businesses and facilities reopen, these include: street-access retail, outdoor markets, outdoor sports grounds, playgrounds, zoos and garden attractions

3 July

Self-catered accommodation can reopen

6 July

Outdoor hospitality can reopen

10 July

Enter phase 3. Easing of restrictions include:

  • Up to eight people from three households can meet indoors
  • Up to 15 people from five households can meet outdoors, subject to physical distancing
  • Face coverings made compulsory in shops



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