Partnership Action for Continuing Employment - partnership data sharing: project report

Report commissioned to investigate data sharing amongst delivery partners to provide a better, more joined up service to both employers and to those being made redundant.

Appendix 4: Stage 2 Topic Guide

PACE Partnership – Data Sharing (Stage 2)

Aims and Objectives (for reference only – do not read out)

  • Update PACE partners on Stage 1 findings
  • Verification of PACE partner responses in Stage 1 on services offered to and data collected on individuals
  • Establish the customer information each partner collects (as with DWP example highlighted in interim report) eg the labels against which partners collect customer data
  • Establish partner views on relevance of PACE partnership / redundancy to their organisation. Build on desk research to establish partner views on:
  • Partners' response to anonymised matching of data scenario

1. Introduction

Aim: recap on research background and update on Stage 1 findings (Showcard 1)

  • Name/s, role/s and responsibilities of participant/s
  • Participant reflections on Stage 1 summary of findings (NB: sent in advance of interview)
  • Views on the case for improved data / information on redundancies to inform future policy/practice

2. Verification of Stage 1 information

Aim: to verify information on services offered and data collected that was provided in Stage 1

Showcards 2a & 2b. See partner list of services offered and data collected. Verify responses and make any amends

Intro: A fuller understanding of the types of data that partners collect will allow us to assess the potential for overlap and unique identifiers.

  • Can participant share the types of customer information their organisation collects from individuals eg the labels on their CRM database, such as name, address, DOB etc..
  • How is this information collected eg online form, face-to-face meetings, in one or several locations (eg regional/central office), in one or several interactions with clients?
  • How often is the information updated and how complete/accurate is this information eg. any obvious gaps/inaccuracies?
  • How is this information stored and who has access to it?

3. Partner views on relevance of PACE partnership / redundancy to their organisation

Aim: to understand alignment of partner aims and objectives and those of the PACE partnership

  • Main ways that partner organisation works with and contributes to PACE partnership?
  • Main benefits that partner organisation derives from PACE partnership?
    • Does PACE partnership work address any partner organisation aims, objectives or goals?
  • To what extent does partner organisation address redundancy in course of their work?
    • Does partner organisation have any specific aims, objectives or goals linked to redundancy?
    • Does partner organisation offer any specific services for those affected by redundancy (outside contributions to PACE partnership)?
    • [If Relevant] Discuss findings of desk research on partner organisation and redundancy.
  • In light of impact of COVID-19 on employment:
    • How has the organisation re-oriented its services in light of COVID-19?
    • Does the partner organisation envisage redundancy issues becoming more of an organisational priority in short to medium term?
    • Could increased data sharing assist your organisational response t COVID-19 (in what ways)?

4. Partner response to data sharing scenario

Aim: to understand reaction to a possible approach to data sharing amongst PACE partners

Showcard 3. Talk participant through the stages and gauge reaction/views on feasibility of each and the overall scenario. Use questions below to support and/or add to discussion.

  • How would partner organisations respond to this request?
  • What is achievable in the short, medium and long-term?
  • What is achievable with / without a statutory foundation?
  • Gather views on:
    • Potential to flag 'redundant' individuals, either on database or some other way
    • Ability to identify individuals via a unique identifier eg NI number
    • Perception of work involved eg matching databases at intervals (automated?).
  • Assess interest in:
    • Access to this 'redundancy' database eg to see level of support provided to partners clients
    • Data and reports eg on most effective interventions, on timescales involved in re-entering the job market, on overall impact of PACE partnership.

5. Final thoughts

Aim: to gather any final comments and identify most important points

  • Any other comments participant would like to make on PACE data sharing
  • Revisit main points relating to overall views on relevance of PACE and feasibility of data sharing scenario.

Showcard 3: Data Sharing Scenario

1. A redundancy flag is added to your database (or other mechanism) to identify some or all individuals affected by redundancy. Consider/think about:

a. Doesn't have to be 100% coverage
b. How could this process be started eg quick wins'
c. What would be the medium/long term tasks/challenges'

2. You supply a file containing unique identifiers eg National Insurance No. for redundancy flagged individuals. No other details are supplied.

a. How feasible would this be?
b. What would the best unique identifier be'
c. How often could this task be repeated'

3. The unique identifiers you send are merged with those from other PACE partners.

4. Another unique reference is created - a PACE ID.

5. You are asked to update the file (containing your unique identifier and the PACE ID) with data from your database eg name. address. demographics, interactions etc .... You would then send the file back, whereupon the PACE ID would be used to merge it with information sent in by other partners.

d. Could you supply data at an identifiable level?
e. Would anonymised data (eg no names, postcodes) be easier to supply?
f. How often could this task be repeated?

6. our organisation would have access to this PACE database and/or would receive reports based on analysis of the collated d ata eg how PACE has interacted with your clients. on most effective interventions, on time taken to re-enter workplace, on overall impact of PACE partnership measures.



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