A National Care Service for Scotland consultation: easy read

An easy read version of the National Care Service consultation paper.

Chapter 5: Planning and buying services

Planning and buying health and social care services are a key part of delivering better wellbeing in Scotland. The Integration Joint Board (IJB) plans and agrees a budget for the services it is responsible for. Then the IJB directs the council and Health Board to deliver those services and provides the funding to do so.

These services may be delivered by councils and Health Boards directly, or they may pay other companies or organisations to deliver them. There are differences in planning and buying services across Scotland.

Limits on money have resulted in support that is focused on costs rather than people.

We plan that the National Care Service (NCS) will be responsible for a Structure of Standards and Processes. This will make sure planning and buying of services is done in a person-centred way.

Services should support the needs of the individual and meets quality standards. They should support fair work and make sure services are the same all over Scotland.

Question 16: Should the National Care Service be responsible for planning and buying services to improve standards?

  • Yes
  • No
  • No preference

Question 17: Will it benefit people if complex and specialist services are managed by the National Care Service?

  • Yes
  • No
  • No preference

Please explain your answers below


Email: NCSconsultation@gov.scot

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