National Care Service Forum 2023: report

Findings and next steps from the National Care Service Forum 2023. The forum was held on 30 October 2023 at Glasgow Science Centre.


The Scottish Government remains committed to delivering a National Care Service to improve quality, fairness and consistency of provision that meets individuals’ needs.

The extension agreed by Parliament to the deadline for Stage 1 of the Bill has given us the opportunity to have more direct engagement with people with lived experience, the workforce, trade unions and local government to find consensus and make the Bill as robust as possible. This is the biggest public service reform in Scotland since devolution. It is important we take the time necessary to ensure the National Care Service delivers the positive change needed for people and makes best use of public funds.

People are at the heart of the development of the National Care Service. The Scottish Government remains committed to ongoing engagement and co-design as the bill progresses through Parliament. This commitment will continue throughout the establishment of the NCS.



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