Mental Health Strategy 2012-2015: easy read

Easy read version of the Mental Health Strategy for Scotland 2012 to 2015.

The Challenge

Mental illness is one of the main public health problems in Europe.

It is estimated that one out of every three people will suffer from mental illnesses like depression and anxiety every year. Many other people have mental illnesses connected with drugs and alcohol, and many people suffer from dementia.

In all countries, poorer people are more likely to have mental health problems.

The number of people with mental illnesses does not seem to change over time, but more people are accessing services now because awareness and understanding of mental illness is growing.

Many people who are on social welfare benefits or disability benefits have mental health problems.

People with mental health problems do not live as long as other people. Many people with serious illnesses can become depressed, and this makes it harder for them to get better.

These are major problems and dealing with them is not going to be easy.


Email: Katherine Christie

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