Mental Health in Scotland - a 10-year vision: analysis of responses to the public engagement excercise

Analysis of responses to the Scottish Government's engagement exercise about a new Mental Health Strategy for Scotland.

Annex 2

Question 1: The table in Annex A sets out 8 priorities for a new Mental Health Strategy that we think will transform mental health in Scotland over 10 years. Are these the most important priorities?

Responses by type of respondent, including those who did not answer the question.

Type of respondent Yes No Don't know Not answered TOTAL
N % N % N % N % N
Academic or research group 3 38 4 50 - - 1 13 8
Health 24 60 8 20 1 3 7 18 40
Local authority 3 38 3 38 - - 2 25 8
Multi-agency partnerships ( MAPs) 4 19 11 52 - - 6 29 21
Network, forum or membership organisation 8 26 16 52 1 3 6 19 31
Other 2 33 2 33 - - 2 33 6
Professional body or college 10 63 2 13 - - 4 25 16
Public agency 5 38 2 15 1 8 5 38 13
Third sector 26 33 31 39 3 4 20 25 80
User and/or carer group 5 45 2 18 3 27 1 9 11
(Total Groups) (90) (38%) (81) (35%) (9) (4%) (54) (23%) (234)
Individuals 181 50% 127 35% 47 13% 9 2% 364
TOTAL 271 45% 208 35% 56 9% 63 11% 598


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