Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: capital projects - March 2024

Information on the projects which have received funding through the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.

AMIDS District Heating Network

Project Organisation:

Renfrewshire Council

Technology type(s):

Treated water converted into ambient heat directed through underground network and upgraded using heat pumps


Paisley, Renfrewshire

Grant value:


Completion date:

March 2023

Project description:

Renfrewshire Council is developing a state-of-the-art, low carbon heating network at the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) including the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) and the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre. The first of its kind in Scotland, the fifth-generation renewable energy network works by directing treated water into a new energy centre, where low temperature heat is extracted and channelled through a 3.7km underground pipe loop. Heat pumps at each building upgrade this heat to suitable levels for heating and hot water.

The network provides a cost-effective route to low carbon heating, an attractive proposition for major manufacturers locating at AMIDS and over time, it will fund its own running and maintenance, being future-proofed to supply further developments nearby.


Email: HeatNetworkFund@gov.scot

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