Infrastructure Investment Plan 2011 - Updated Programme Pipeline (January 2015)

Update to the Programme Pipeline as at January 2015.


Programme Capital value (estimate) Timetable for delivery Finance and delivery Strategic links and progress update
Affordable housing and innovation initiatives to increase housing supply- the completion of 30,000 affordable homes over the five years of the Parliament. Over £1.7 billion. March 2016. Working with councils, housing associations and private developers across Scotland, we are committed to enabling investment through subsidising new affordable housing.

We are also continuing to work creatively with our partners and use innovative ways to lever more investment in housing from public resources using, for example, government guarantees, loans and grant recycling. Examples include the National Housing Trust initiative ( NHT) and our investment in Charitable Bonds.
Housing is a key part of our physical, economic, and social fabric. It is also critical to the wider development of our ambitions to improve the homes and neighbourhoods that people live in. Affordable housing is a key factor in the quality of individual and family life it also has important economic impacts through supporting employment and local supply chains.. In the short term, government funded house building provides valuable support to recovery in the construction industry.

Over the longer term, a well, functioning housing system is a key component of society's infrastructure. Working towards a stock of good quality, appropriate and affordable housing that meets need and demand will help us achieve the country's full potential through better employment opportunities, healthier lives and a more prosperous and fairer society.
Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency programmes
Continuation of fuel poverty and energy efficiency programmes to tackle fuel poverty and contribute to energy efficiency and climate change commitments.
£ 236 million. 2012 - 2016. Schemes are being delivered through Housing and Regeneration's Capital and Revenue Budget The Energy Assistance Scheme is delivered under a contract. Contributes to the delivery of the Scottish Government's targets on domestic Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty and Climate Change Act commitments. Commitments related to Scottish Government housing programmes within the Report on Proposals and Policies under the Climate Change Act are fully funded. We will aim to lever in additional support from other sources e.g. energy companies' obligations.
Warm Homes Fund £50 million 2012 - 2016. Scheme is being delivered by the Energy Saving Trust. To date approvals have been given for 4 loans for project infrastructure, and for 22 grants for feasibilities studies and options appraisals. The Warm Homes Fund aims to invest £50 million. The fund has been available to support investment during the period 2012-13 to 2014-15. Further loan funding will be available in 2015-16 to support Warm Homes Fund-eligible projects. The Warm Homes Fund has provided grant support to social landlords for feasibility studies and loans to deliver renewable energy schemes such as district heating and wind turbines, working alongside wider Scottish Government schemes such as the Community And Renewable Energy Scheme ( CARES) and the District Heating Loan Fund. It contributes to the delivery of the Scottish Government's targets on domestic Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty and Climate Change Act commitments.
Help to Buy (Scotland) £305 million 2013 - March 2016 Scheme is delivered by procured agents across Scotland, who handle enquiries, application and payments to prospective housebuyers.
Registration of builders and scheme rules administration delivered in Housing Supply Division.
HTB (Scotland) and the new HTB (Scotland) Small Developers scheme support people to buy homes, support industry and contribute to wider sustainable economic growth.
By supporting development and sale of new housing across Scotland we can help to support local jobs and the local economy, helping first tie buyers and others to access homes.


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