Tackling inequality: guidance on making budget decisions

Informal guidance for policy makers on equality and human rights budgeting. The booklet challenges policy makers to systematically think through 6 key questions to identify ways in which budget decisions could be improved to advance human rights and address inequalities. Budget decisions include both those made about the money we spend and decisions about how revenue is raised.

Annex C: Example Template for Policy Budget Analysis

Budget Name

Is the budget line name, content and portfolio the same as last year? Y/N
If no, explain how this line relates to previous budget documents to allow people to track spend.

Purpose of Spend in this budget line:
What does the budget pay for?
What does it seek to achieve?

£x million
£x million
£x million
£x million
£x million
£x million
Explain any significant discrepancy between budget and spend for the last complete budget year. Explain rationale for the trend in spend for the years that you are planning for (up, down, stable) showing changing demand and efficiencies.

Intended Outcomes from Spend
Refer to your specific outcomes and link to the Local and/or National Outcomes, as well as any human rights that the spend aims to realise.

Progress on Outcomes relevant to this budget line How have outcomes changed over time? Are they getting better or worse overall and for different groups? Are human rights being realised?

Tackling Inequalities in Outcomes
Are any groups still performing particularly badly for this outcome (think about protected characteristics, socio-economic disadvantage and place)?
Have you made any adjustments to your budget to tackle these inequalities?

Evaluation Plan
How will you know if and when you have achieved your intended outcomes?


Email: Gillian.Achurch@gov.scot

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