Educational Outcomes for Scotland's Looked After Children 2010/11

This document is the second in a series of an annual summary of the educational outcomes of Scotland's looked after children.

Table 12 shows that when comparing the destination types at the initial and follow-up destination surveys it was found that only 46 per cent of looked after children who left school during 2010/11 were in a positive destination in both surveys, compared with 83 per cent for all school leavers. However, this is a 10 percentage point increase for looked after children school leavers from 2009/10 compared to a 3 percentage point increase for all school leavers.

Eighteen per cent of looked after children who left school in 2010/11 and who were initially in a positive destination were reported as being in a negative destination at the time of the follow up survey, compared to this only being the case for 6 per cent of all 2010/11 school leavers. Conversely, 9 per cent of looked after children school leavers who were initially in a negative destination were reported as being in a positive destination at the time of the follow up survey.

Twenty-seven per cent of looked after children who left school in 2010/11 were in a negative destination at the time of both destination surveys, compared to only 6 per cent for all 2010/11 school leavers.

Table 12: Percentage of school leavers by sustained destination for all school leavers and those who are looked after children, 2010/11

Sustained Destination Looked After Children School Leavers All School Leavers
Same positive destination type in both surveys 36.4 74.8
Positive destination type to another positive destination type 9.5 7.8
Positive destination type to a negative destination type 17.8 6.3
Negative destination type to a positive destination type 9.1 4.6
Negative destination type in both surveys 27.1 6.4


Email: Denise Macleod

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