National Care Service - keeping care support local part 1 – local services: regional forums - easy read findings summary

In summer 2023, we held events across Scotland as part of our work to co-design the National Care Service (NCS). The events covered different themes. This easy-read report contains feedback on the Keeping care support local part 1 – local services theme.

Making services available

Most people felt that some things about the care service should be the same everywhere in Scotland.

These included:

  • who has the right to get social care services
  • assessments
  • the type of services available
  • the level of care available
  • the quality of services
  • how much services cost
  • how long a person has to wait for care
  • what happens if standards are not met

Suggestions for how to make services to work well in the future are:

Better funding for community health and social care services.

Make care packages person-centred and support family links.

Make sure all local councils provide, deliver, or manage Self-Directed Support in the same way.

Getting decision-makers to think about different needs in different areas.

People also said that different areas have different resources and needs.

People said that services should be able to change in different areas to meet these needs. Local communities should be involved in making decisions about these services.



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