Council Tax Collection Statistics 2011-12

This statistics publication notice provides Council Tax (CT) collection figures by Scottish Local Authorities for the financial year 2011-12 and previous years.

Table 1: Summary of reported amounts of Council Tax billed and received: Scotland

31 March 2012

Year to which bill refers Net amount billed (£000s) Amount received (£000s)
as at 31 March 2012
Percentage received
as at 31 March 2012
Latest Year to Previous Years 31 March 2012 2011-12 1,987,339 1,886,360 94.9
2010-11 1,968,257 1,887,406 95.9
2009-10 1,960,787 1,883,065 96.0
2008-09 1,959,861 1,883,219 96.1
2007-08 1,934,436 1,864,771 96.4
2006-07 1,861,236 1,796,693 96.5
2005-06 1,771,011 1,711,757 96.7
2004-05 1,660,047 1,606,318 96.8
2003-04 1,574,350 1,521,474 96.6
2002-03 1,498,372 1,447,720 96.6
2001-02 1,413,310 1,365,483 96.6
2000-01 1,325,129 1,279,791 96.6
1999-00 1,244,513 1,203,626 96.7
1998-99 1,193,803 1,151,406 96.4
1997-98 1,114,889 1,072,757 96.2
1996-97 1,002,303 963,943 96.2
1993-94 to 1995-96 2,801,355 2,699,028 96.3
Total for previous years 1993-94 to 2010-11 26,283,660 25,338,455 96.4
Total for all years to 31 March 2012 1993-94 to 2011-12 28,270,999 27,224,815 96.3

Source: Information supplied by Councils to Scottish Government on the statistical return Council Tax and Community Charge Receipts (CTRR)

  • All figures are NET of discounts (eg single persons discount), exemptions and surcharges (although not all councils can exclude surcharges - see below). The figures are BEFORE any amounts written off for bad or doubtful debt. They reflect any correction to liabilities following billing.
  • Up to and including 1995-96 the figures for amounts billed and collected include Council Water Charges
  • Dumfries and Galloway has only provided figures from 1996-97 onwards
  • Surcharges: Councils are asked to exclude surcharges, although this is not always possible. For years prior to 1996-97, surcharges have been included for Aberdeenshire, Argyll and Bute, East Lothian, East Renfrewshire, Eilean Siar, Fife, North Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, Scottish Borders and Shetland Islands.
  • 2005-06 onwards - Figures include additional amounts in respect of reduced Second Home/Long Term Empty property discounts


Email: Bruce Golding

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