Child Winter Heating Assistance: evaluation report - qualitative research

This qualitative evaluation describes a number of positive findings for the CWHA payment, but also highlights some potential areas for improvement.

Appendix 2: Technical Report: Qualitative Research

Client: Scottish Government - Social Security Directorate

Project Name: Child Winter Heating Assistance Evaluation Report

Research Objectives: to explore the impact of CWHA on:

  • the financial wellbeing of households
  • the physical and health and wellbeing of disabled children, young people and their families
  • increasing the recognition around the extra financial demands required during winter to keep houses for warm for longer periods while caring for disabled children

Target group: Recipients who had received the Child Winter Heating Assistance payment for Winter 21/22 on their child’s behalf

Achieved Number of interviews: 19

Date of Fieldwork: 2nd February 2022 - 28th February 2022

Sampling Method: The research was promoted to members of the Social Security Scotland Client Panel who were asked to express interest in participating in the research. The survey was promoted by Social Security Scotland to panel members and on the page. A reminder was circulated in mid-February to boost participation rates.

Respondent Validation: All interested participants were contacted by Axiom to pre-screen potential respondents to ensure they were eligible to participate in the research and to set up appointment times to conduct the interview.

Interview Method: All respondents that opted in to take part in the research were offered the choice of being interviewed by phone or by video call. All respondents stated a preference to be interviewed by phone.

Incentives Offered: All participating respondents were offered and received a £30 Love2Shop Voucher.



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