Victim notification scheme for victims of offenders with a mental disorder

Information leaflet on eligibility and registration for the victim notification scheme for victims of offenders with a mental disorder.


You will be given these forms if you may be eligible under the Scheme:

Form to join

If you wish to join the scheme, you must complete this form and return it to the Victim Notification Scheme Unit of the Scottish Government. The address is given on the form and is also on page 9 of this booklet.

Change of Address form

If you change your address and still want to receive information, please notify the Victim Notification Scheme Unit as soon as possible. You can find a change of address form along with this leaflet; however, you can also contact the Unit by letter, telephone or e-mail.

Withdrawal form

If you have joined the Victim Notification Scheme and later decide you do not want to receive any more information about the offender, you can withdraw from it at any time using the form provided or by contacting the Victim Notification Scheme Unit.


Victim Liaison Officer:

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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