Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics: Update to 31 December 2022

Information on the Scottish Welfare Fund to 31 December 2022.

The age of applicants distribution has stayed reasonably steady during the lifetime of the SWF (Table 2 & 3, Charts 15a & 15b). For Community Care Grants, 25-49 age group make almost two-thirds of applications (64%) in the latest quarter, and most of the rest come from the oldest group. 

For Crisis Grants, a similar pattern is seen, with 71% of applications from the 25-49 age group in the latest quarter, with the under-25s making more of the remaining applications.

Generally, it may be assumed that people in the 25-49 group are more likely to have children, and are less likely than older people to have established savings or other resources to cope with difficult circumstances. Conversely, the under-25s may also have these issues, but may be more able to call upon family members such as parents to help them. Proportionally, the 25-49 age group are over-represented in applications compared to the general population, and the over-49s are under-represented here.
Chart 15a: Age distribution of persons applying for Community Care Grants from the Scottish Welfare Fund – quarterly

SWF Apr23 Chart 15a

Chart 15b: Age distribution of persons applying for Crisis Grants from the Scottish Welfare Fund – quarterly

SWF Apr23 Chart 15b

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