Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): National Overview 2015

Provides an overview of findings from the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS) 2015.


Close to two-thirds of pupils reported that they had received lessons, videos/ DVDs or discussion in class on each of the three substances in the last 12 months.

Overall, receiving lessons on a substance was not correlated with lower levels of use. The exception was 15 year olds who had received a lesson on drugs.

Just over two-thirds of pupils thought that their school was providing them with enough advice and support about smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

Figure 19 Proportion of pupils who agree that their school provides them with enough advice and support about… (2015)

Figure 19 Proportion of pupils who agree that their school provides them with enough advice and support about… (2015)

Those that agreed that their school provided enough advice and support about smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs were less likely to be regular users of that substance.


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