Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Volume 5 Number 15: Development of a Sampling Programme and Measurement of Contaminants in Food for Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptor 9

Descriptor 9 (contaminants in food) is one of eleven Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) qualitative Descriptors to be used in determining whether Good Environmental Status (GES) has been achieved for European regional seas (Directive EC/2008/56).


1. UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy Community ( UKMMAS) (2010). Charting Progress 2 Feeder report: Clean and Safe Seas. (Eds. Law, R. and Maes, T.). Published by Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of UKMMAS. 366pp.

2. Baxter, J. M., Boyd, I. L., Cox, M., Donald, A. E., Malcolm, S. J., Miles, H., Miller, B., Moffat, C.F., (Editors), 2011. Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the national marine plan. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh. pp. 191

3. UK Initial Assessment and Proposals for Good Environmental Status, 2012.

4. ICES and JRC, 2010. Task Group 9 Report: Contaminants in fish and other seafood for human consumption do not exceed levels established by Community legislation or other relevant standards.

5. Van den Berg M, Birnbaum LS, Denison M, De Vito M, Farland W, Feeley F, Fiedler H, Hakansson H, Hanberg A, Haws L, Rose M, Safe S, Schrenk D, Tohyama C, Tritscher A, Tuomisto J, Tysklind M, Walker N, Peterson RE. 2006. The 2005 World Health Organization reevaluation of human and mammalian toxic equivalency factors for dioxins and dioxin-like compounds, Toxicol. Sci., 93,223-241

6. OSPAR Commission, 2010. OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme ( CEMP), OSPAR Agreement 2010-1.

7. L. Webster, P. Walsham, M. Russell, I. Hussy, F. Neat, E.J. Dalgarno, G. Packer, J. A. Scurfield and C. F. Moffat, 2011. Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants in Deep Sea Fish from Waters to the West of Scotland, Chemosphere, 83, 839-850.

8. S. P. Bhavsar, A. Hayton, E. J. Reiner and D. A. Jackson, 2007. Estimating dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl toxic equivalents from total polychlorinated biphenyl measurement in fish, Environ. Toxicol. Chem, 26, 1622-1628.

9. J. A. Lasrado, C. R. Santerre and G. P. McCabe, 2005. Predicting Toxicity Equivalents in fish tissue, Journal of Food Protection, 68, 2679-2685.

10. L. Webster, C. D. Robinson and C. F. Moffat, 2013. Measurement of Contaminants and their Effects in Environmental Samples - Proposal for the Revision of the Sampling Programme, Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report, Vol 4 No 4, pp 43.

11. Marine Scotland, Provisional SCOTTISH SEA FISHERIES STATISTICS 2013,

12. Froese, R. and Pauly, D. 2007. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (12/2007).


14. Devalla, S., Robinson, C.D., Webster, L., Darding, M., and Fernandes, A. 2011. Trace Elements in Food and the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive: The Scottish Experience. Poster presentation at the Fourth International IUPAC Symposium for Trace Elements in Food ( TEF-4), 19-22 June 2011, Aberdeen, UK.

15. Food Standards Agency, 2006. Dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in processed fish and fish products, Food Surveillance Paper, FSIS 07/06

16. Food Standards Agency, 2006. Dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in farmed and wild fish and shellfish, Food Surveillance Paper, FSIS 03/06

17. A. Fernandes, F. Smith, R. Petch, N. Brereton, E. Bradley, S Panton, M. Carr and M. Rose, 2009. Investigation into the Levels of Environmental Contaminants in Scottish Marine and Freshwater Fin Fish and Shellfish

18. A. Kolakowska, Fish Lipids In Chemical, Biological, and Functional Aspects of Food Lipids, Anna Kolakowska and Zdzislaw Z. E. Sikorski. 20101 CRC Press.

19. OSPAR Commission, 2008, JAMP Guidelines for Monitoring Contaminants in Biota,

20. Barreto, E. and Bailey, N. 2013. Fish and shellfish stocks 2013. Marine Scotland, Edinburgh. 65pp. ISBN 978-1-78256-861-2)

21. ICES Advice 2012, Report of the ICES Advisory Committee 2012. ICES Advice 2012. Book 5, 459pp.


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