Scotland's Devolved Employment Services: statistical summary February 2019

Experimental statistics for: the first nine months of Fair Start Scotland, the first twenty one months of Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland, and the first six months of the Health & Work Support Pilot (HAWS).

Key findings

Up to 31 December 2018:

  • 7,031 people joined Fair Start Scotland (FSS) since its launch in April 2018
  • Of those referred (12,969), 55% of people chose to join FSS
  • 1,913 Work First Scotland and Work Able Scotland participants had started jobs
  • 544 people enrolled in the Health & Work Support pilot since it was launched in late June 2018

Experimental Statistics: we want your views

Tell Us What You Think

The scope of this statistical series has expanded since the first publication in December 2017, as new devolved services have launched and more data has become available to publish as the services mature. We have made changes to the way the statistics are presented in this publication - hoping to make the document easier to navigate. We have shortened the commentary and focused on visualising the statistics rather than including data tables. But all the data previously published can be found in the Excel spreadsheets accompanying this release.

To ensure the publication is developing in a way which is useful to people, we are asking for users' views on a range of topics. You can take part here

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