Scotland's autumn and winter vaccination strategy: progress report and accelerated delivery plans - December 2021

Progress report and accelerated delivery plans in response to the Omicron variant of coronavirus.

2. Progress of the vaccination programme

COVID-19 vaccine uptake across Scotland has been strong with 4.36 million first doses, 3.98 million second doses and 2.37 million third primary doses or boosters delivered as at 17 December 2021. Following clinical advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and our agreement to increase the number of eligible cohorts for COVID-19 vaccinations, we are confident these numbers will continue to rise meaning more people will be better protected against the virus this winter.

However, there are parts of the population who have not yet taken up their offer of vaccination, either via a primary course or booster dose. We continue to ensure everyone eligible is encouraged to take up the offer by providing a rolling offer to everyone eligible. We are working closely with Health Boards to encourage uptake through, for example, communications activities and flexible delivery models, tailoring our approach to specific population or individual needs.

As part of our continued commitment to transparency, Public Health Scotland publish daily data on COVID-19 vaccination numbers and the latest information on COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccine status can be found in the weekly COVID-19 statistical report. Public Health Scotland also routinely publish data on population equality of COVID-19 vaccination uptake with the most recent publication found at COVID-19 Statistical Report - 1 December.



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