Review of further education governance in Scotland

Independently commissioned report on the review of further education governance.

In Conclusion

This review has been one of the most interesting that I have been involved with, in that everyone has accepted that the structure and governance of the FE sector as it currently exists is not fit for purpose. It has been too long in the changing, and we needed to move to a better and more reliable, consistent place. However in pursuing that, our discussions highlighted all the reasons why change had not happened in that individuals would have to give up what they had, and would have to change, which would be difficult for some. Given the discontinuity and disharmony in the sector across many issues we believe that this report and its recommendations give a solid and consistent base that can form the foundation on which other things can and will evolve. If in 10 let alone 20 years this review team looked at the FE Sector and it had not further evolved and changed into something better, then we would be disappointed since the key essence of all we recommend would have been lost. Just as the ways in how we can and do learn change, then so should the system providing that. The focus should be more and more on ensuring that its resource is used primarily for the learner, and less at looking after its own structure.


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