Public attitudes to Coronavirus: November update

This report includes some high level findings from recent polling work on public attitudes to the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.

1. Impact of Coronavirus

Threat perception

The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted many aspects of society and many people are experiencing financial and health concerns as a result. This section presents polling data used to understand the threats people perceive are posed from Coronavirus. 

Respondents were asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed with statements about the risk of an outbreak, and worry about going back into lockdown. As shown in Figure 1, the majority agreed with both statements, however belief that there is a risk of a local outbreak and worry about going back into lockdown fluctuated during September.

Figure 1: Proportion who agreed/agreed strongly with the statements shown [1]
Both lines fluctuate, for ‘risk of new cases’ between 54%-61%, and for ‘worry about going back into lockdown’, 61%-68%

Source: YouGov weekly Scotland survey. Base (n=1000-1053)

Financial impact

Respondents were asked about their perceived level of threat to their job. Figure 2 shows that around one quarter of those employed perceived a ‘very high’ or ‘high’ threat to their job from Coronavirus. This has remained fairly consistent during September and October.

Figure 2: Perceived threat to job amongst those employed
39%-43% perceive a very/low threat, 24%-27% perceive a very/high threat, and 30%-36% perceive a moderate threat

Source: YouGov weekly Scotland survey. Base Those in employment (n=405-448)

Respondents were also asked how concerned they were about the impact of Coronavirus on their household finances. As shown in Figure 3, between one in seven and one in eight were ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ concerned that they won’t be able to pay bills, have a job, or be able to provide for their household in one month’s time.

Figure 3: Proportion of respondents who were very/extremely concerned about the scenarios shown
Bar chart with 3 sets of two bars. The bars go from a minimum of 12% to a maximum of 14%

Source: YouGov weekly Scotland survey. Base (n=1005-1012)

Health impacts

To understand the potential impact on non-COVID related health issues, respondents were asked if they would avoid going to a hospital or GP practice if they had a medical concern unrelated to Coronavirus. As shown in Figure 4, consistently just over one quarter agreed that they would avoid going to a hospital or GP practice.

Figure 4: Proportion who agreed/disagreed that ‘I would avoid going to a hospital or GP practice at the moment even if I had an immediate medical concern (not related to Coronavirus)’
Over the waves the proportions are fairly stable: 21%-25% strongly disagreed and 5%-8% strongly disagreed

Source: YouGov weekly Scotland survey. Base (n=1000-1053)



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