Marches, parades and static demonstrations: guidance

This publication sets out the key duties and responsibilities for local authorities facilitating marches, parades and protests in Scotland. It provides guidance and highlights best practice for all key parties involved.

Appendix 1 – Examples of Codes of Conduct and Standard Conditions

Many local authorities publish on their websites what are commonly referred to as ‘codes of conduct’ and ‘standard conditions’ - which are commonly suggested conditions - along with guidance for marches, parades and processions. These vary from local authority to local authority and so march/parade organisers should ensure that they familiarise themselves with the specific content in the relevant local authority area(s) for their event.

Here we offer links to some examples so that organisers can have some idea of what to expect. However, as with all local authority decisions relating to marches and parades, each notification will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with any conditions applied, whether considered ‘standard’, ‘special’ or otherwise, being appropriate and proportionate to that specific event.

North Lanarkshire Council - Code of Conduct

South Lanarkshire Council - Code of Conduct

South Lanarkshire Council - Conditions for Processions, Marches and Demonstrations

West Dunbartonshire Council - Code of Conduct



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