Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making - supporting evidence

Analytical overview of the key analysis and evidence in support of COVID-19: framework for decision making - further information, summarising data and evidence on the various harms and wider impacts caused by the crisis.

7. Conclusion

The data and evidence summarised in this document describe some of the many ways in which COVID-19 is impacting on the people, economy and services in Scotland, providing a basis for an overall assessment to be made of the harms individually and collectively. These analyses will be updated and expanded to include further evidence in coming weeks, and will be used to inform decisions about next steps, and the longer-term recovery processes.

The current evidence shows clearly the scale of direct harm that has resulted from the virus. The evidence also highlights that the people of Scotland have high levels of trust in the Government's advice, and support the extension of suppression measures meantime.



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