Coronavirus (COVID-19): universities, colleges and community learning and development providers

Guiding principles to manage COVID-19 and to remain vigilant in colleges, community learning and development (CLD) settings and universities.


This COVID-19 guidance applies to activities that are connected with teaching and learning in universities, colleges and CLD settings, and extends from our updated strategic framework  published on 22 February 2022.

These principles are intended to support planning approaches and to enable in-person teaching and learning, where this is the desired and most appropriate approach. We will also work with institutions and organisations in order to address the impacts of the accumulated wider harms and lost learning on students and learners.

These principles are non-statutory, however they set out guiding principles and measures that can be implemented to help manage the risks arising from COVID-19 and take account of relevant advice from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory Sub-Group on Universities and Colleges. They have been developed following consultation with sector stakeholders, including through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advanced Learning Recovery Group, chaired by the Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training.

The guidance should be read in conjunction with the coronavirus in Scotland guidance and guidance on staying safe and protecting others and the safer businesses and workplaces guidance.


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