Social Security Experience Panels: Young Carer Grant survey

Young Carer Panel views expressed in a survey about what the new Young Carer Grant should be like.


Respondents said that they would want to see information about the Young Carer Grant available at young carer groups, at school and on social media. Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram were the most frequently used social media channels.

Most respondents said that they would apply for the grant online, either on a computer or on their phone. Others said that they would prefer to do it in person with someone helping them. Respondents felt that the application could be made simple by including questions with answers that you can tick, keeping the form short, and by including clear instructions with the form.

Many respondents said that they would feel “ok” with the person that they care for confirming their application. Reasons for this included feeling that the person would understand and would be happy and able to support. Those who said that they would not feel ok with this requirement said that the person they care for might find this difficult because of their disability, or that they might not be willing to do so.

Many respondents said that they would find it “very easy” or “easy” to answer that they care for someone for at least 16 hours per week. Others suggested, however, that it can be hard to calculate or keep track of how much caring you do, or said that it can be very variable from week to week. Most felt that it should be possible to include the number of hours you spend caring for more than one person if combined they are more than 16 hours per week.

Many respondents said that they would find it “very easy” or “easy” to find out whether or not the person that they care for receives a qualifying benefit. This was because they felt able to ask, or because they were aware of or involved with helping to manage the household income. Some said that they would find it difficult to ask, or weren’t sure that the person that they care for would know either.

Respondents felt that the grant should be available to young carers who meet the criteria, even if someone else already receives Carer’s Allowance for caring for the same person. This was because the amount of care provided was still the same, and they felt that it would be unfair for only one of the carers to receive a payment when both contribute.

Most respondents said that it wouldn’t cause a problem for them for the Young Carer Grant to be paid into their bank account. About a quarter, however, said that this would cause them a problem, in particular if they didn’t have a bank account.

Many respondents said that they felt the grant would have a positive impact for young carers who met the eligibility criteria, and that it could open up opportunities for them that they wouldn’t otherwise have. Some expressed concern, however, that the age criteria would restrict those who would benefit from the grant and highlighted that there are those who fall outside of the criteria who also need support.


Email: Catherine Henry

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