Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2019

SSCQ provides reliable and detailed statistics on the composition, characteristics and attitudes of Scottish households and adults across a number of topic areas including equality characteristics, housing, employment and perceptions of health and crime.

Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2019

The Scottish Surveys Core Questions (SSCQ) is an annual Official Statistics publication for Scotland. The SSCQ gathers survey responses from identical indicator questions in the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, the Scottish Health Survey and the Scottish Household Survey into one output.

The Scottish Surveys Core Questions in 2019 reports on the indicators: self-assessed general health, limiting long-term conditions, smoking, unpaid caring and local government satisfaction.

The pooling of Core Questions results in an annual sample of around 20,000 respondents, providing unprecedented precision of estimates at national level. This sample size enables the detailed and reliable analysis of national indicators by equalities characteristics such as ethnic group, religion, country of birth, sexual orientation, age, and gender. Further variables are education level, economic activity, tenure, car access and household type. Multi-level analysis is available on request.

SSCQ also enables a more detailed analysis of sub-national geographies than source surveys allow. Annually, SSCQ reports for Local Authorities, Health Boards, and Police Divisions.

Multiyear SSCQ analysis which presents data on Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies, UK Parliamentary Constituencies and Electoral Wards is available at Further informaton on the methodology for Mulityear SSCQ is availble at Multiyear SSCQ (



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