Scottish House Condition Survey: Local Authority Analysis 2017-2019

Local Authority figures for 2017-2019, including fuel poverty rates, energy efficiency ratings, the condition of housing and the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.


1. The presence of Cavity Wall Insulation (CWI) becomes harder to detect as injection holes age, fade or are covered up. Therefore, the SHCS may underestimate the number of homes with CWI installed, despite the high quality of the physical survey.

2. In July 2019 the Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Act received Royal Assent. This Act contains a new definition of fuel poverty which affects how fuel poverty is to be defined and measured.

The figures presented are a best estimate of fuel poverty and extreme fuel poverty rates under the new definition of fuel poverty. They reflect amendments made to the legislation during the Bill process up to and including Stage 2 and are not comparable to the statistics published under the old definition in local authority analyses prior to 2016-2018. Please see the 2019 Key Findings Report and 2019 Methodology Notes for further information.

3. Critical building elements refer to those which are central to weather-tightness, structural stability and preventing deterioration of the property, such as roof coverings or the structure of external walls.

4. Non-critical building elements include skirting, internal wall finishes, staircases or boundary fences.

5. These relate to dwellings which are part of a block with common access and cover elements such as the shared stairs and landings, lifts and common security systems.



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