Recorded crime in Scotland: handling offensive weapons

This report presents information on handling offensive weapons recorded by the police.

Table 13: Relationship between victim and perpetrator (where identifiable), by crime type, April to September, 2017.

Acquaintances Strangers Professional Relative Partner or ex-partner Known 1 Not known Number sampled
Used in commission of a crime
Apr - Sep 2017 52% 39% 4% 3% 2% 59% 41% 541
Possession of an offensive weapon 50% 39% 6% 3% 2% 58% 42% 323
Having in a public place an article with a blade or point 55% 38% * 3% 2% 61% 39% 218

1. Includes acquaintances, relatives, partner or ex-partner and some professionals were the perpetrator was known to the victim (i.e. care workers)


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