Whistleblowing arrangements: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy aims to ensure that staff can safely raise concerns where they are witness to risk, malpractice or wrongdoing that affects others.

Annex B: Suggested Survey Questions for Staff

  • Have you been troubled about some malpractice in the past three years? If so, did you raise the concern, and with what result?
  • How aware are you of the whistleblowing arrangements?
  • How likely are you to raise a whistleblowing concern with your manager and with senior managers?
  • How confident are you that there will be no negative repercussions for raising the matter with your manager and those above?
  • How confident are you that the matter will be addressed properly by your manager and those above?
  • How likely is it that your colleagues would raise a whistleblowing concern with their manager or with senior managers?
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