Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Summary of engagement and consultation responses

To provide a summary of the engagement and consultation with stakeholders on the development of Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision.


Many voices, one vision

Outline 2020 workforce vision (draft)

Our outline 2020 workforce vision

By 2020 everyone working for NHSScotland will focus on providing safe, effective and person-centred care to support people to live longer, healthier lives at home or in a homely setting.

We will do this by adopting new ways of working, being flexible, and working with colleagues across NHSScotland and partner organisations. We will innovate and embrace technology and live up to our core values.

We will deliver the high quality of care that

the people of Scotland expect and deserve.

The majority of the NHSScotland 2020 workforce

already work here or are in training.

The workforce vision will affect all of us.

Cabinet Secretary Foreword

(This will be added at a later date)


Over 150,000 people work in NHSScotland today and most - over 80% - will still work here in 2020. Working with partners in social care we will deliver the 2020 Vision for Healthcare in Scotland and our quality ambitions of safe, effective and person-centred care.

This document sets out how the healthcare workforce will evolve to do this: it provides a flavour of the changes that will be made, the support that will be given, and what is expected of us.

Given the challenging and demanding context of our work over the next few years and our relentless pursuit of quality, there will need to be significant changes in the work we do, the way we work and the people we work with. We expect to see greater integration of public services and greater investment in the people who deliver health and social care. There will also need to be improvements in performance and efficiency.

We know that the demand for health services is growing with an aging population, that funding is limited and expectations are high. However, we remain committed to providing the high quality services that the people of Scotland expect and deserve, and responding to the increasing pace of change. Working with partners in social care our focus will increasingly be on prevention and keeping people well in their homes and communities. It is important that we adapt to these challenges in a way that reflects our shared values of care and compassion and that we put people at the centre of everything we do.

We also know that people who are valued and treated well improve patient care and overall performance - we need to make sure this happens.

The vision for the 2020 workforce has been developed thanks to feedback from thousands of staff, stakeholders, partners in social care and the third sector. The quality of the contributions emphasises the importance of workforce in making the 2020 Vision a reality. We have relied heavily on the feedback to shape this vision for the workforce and will continue to reflect what has been learned in the subsequent implement plans.

A series of implementation plans and a framework for measuring progress will be prepared setting out the steps we will take to deliver the workforce vision.

Vision and values

Our vision

By 2020 everyone working for NHSScotland will focus on providing safe, effective and person-centred care to support people to live longer, healthier lives at home or in a homely setting.

We will do this by adopting new ways of working, being flexible, and working with colleagues across NHSScotland and partner organisations. We will innovate and embrace technology and live up to our core values.

The founding principles of the National Health Service are that it meets the needs of everyone, is free at the point of delivery and is based on clinical need, not the ability to pay.

NHSScotland remains firmly committed to these principles and as we move toward 2020 our vision for healthcare puts people at the heart of everything we do.

To deliver our healthcare vision of safe, effective and person-centred care we need to work to a common set of values which guide the work we do, the decisions we take and the way we treat each other.

The core values for NHSScotland are:

  • care and compassion
  • openness, honesty and accountability
  • working to the best of our ability
  • continually improving.

Embedding these values in everything we do will help to make our vision a reality. In practice we need to:

  • demonstrate our values in the way we work and treat each other
  • use our values to guide the decisions we take
  • identify and deal with behaviours that don't live up to our expectations
  • be consistently held to account for the way we work and not just the work we do.

Making our vision real

As we move toward 2020 there will be changes to the way we work, the work we do and the people we work with. There will be a greater focus on detecting and preventing health problems, delivering more joined-up care and keeping people well in their communities.

We will do this by:

  • providing wider access to care with round-the-clock services where needed
  • working with carers and other care-providers to promote well-being and deliver care where and when it is needed
  • improving workforce planning to ensure the workforce is the right shape and size
  • delivering care in new ways and not being restricted by organisational boundaries
  • making more and better use of technology to increase access to care and improve efficiency
  • putting new and extended roles into practice
  • having the tools we need to do our work
  • working more effectively with other groups, professions and organisations and being supported to do this
  • providing a safe environment for innovation, risk taking and improvement
  • using our continuous improvement approach to deliver new ways of working.

Our work will increasingly focus on detecting and preventing health problems.

We will deliver more joined-up care; working with partners in social care, the voluntary sector, independent providers and carers.

People who are valued and treated well improve patient care and overall performance.

Our goal is to ensure that patients are at the heart of everything we do. To make this a reality there are a number of things we need to change and get better at. In particular: we need to perform to the best of our ability; teams and individuals need to feel empowered to innovate and make things better; and we need to be managed and led by example. We also need to be clear about what we can expect in terms of support and involvement and how we will be held to account.

We will do this by:

  • ensuring that Health Boards are clear about the values and behaviours expected
  • holding Health Boards to account for how the core values are put into practice
  • changing our recruitment practices so that we employ people who demonstrate our core values
  • making the appraisal process meaningful so that it genuinely helps to improve performance and encourages behaviours that demonstrate our core values
  • recognising the achievements and efforts of individuals and teams
  • having equal access to learning and development opportunities
  • prioritising time for learning, and supporting staff to develop their skills, knowledge and competence
  • valuing on-the-job learning and recognising the workplace as the main source of learning
  • developing the skills needed to work in new ways including professional, technical and people skills
  • providing support to help make the best use of new technology
  • ensuring that everyone is valued and treated well
  • ensuring that everyone is supervised and managed fairly and consistently, supported to work to the best of their ability, and held to account for their performance
  • valuing and developing management skills and competencies
  • developing leadership skills and competencies where they are needed, not just at the top
  • building on our ground-breaking partnership with trades unions and professional organisations
  • putting the Staff Governance Standard[1] into practice in all that we do and encouraging our partners to share these principles.

NHSScotland's approach to industrial relations is "…one of the biggest examples of industrial democracy to be found anywhere in the world - and they have made it work." - Nottingham University Business School[2]

Next steps

A series of implementation plans and a framework for measuring progress will be prepared setting out the steps we will take to deliver the 2020 workforce vision.


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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