Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision. Review of progress in 2014-15

The report reviews the progress made in implementing the actions in the Everyone Matters Implementation Plan for 2014-15 and progress toward delivering the 2020 Workforce Vision.

Appendix: Data for 2014-15

What patients say

  • The majority of inpatients were positive about their care and treatment (up from 85% in 2012 to 89% in 2014). The range across Boards was from 81% to 99%.
  • The majority of patients remain positive about the care and treatment provided by their GP (89% in 2012 to 87% in 2014). The range across Boards was from 83% to 97%.
  • Patients were less positive about specific aspects of healthcare such as: accessing GP practice services, arrangements for leaving hospital, out of hours healthcare, and postnatal care in hospital.
  • Overall, the majority of patients were positive about every-day aspects of their care such as being treated with compassion and respect or being listened to by staff (in 2014, 74% of inpatients and 84% of GP patients were positive). However, patients were less positive about the extent to which their personal preferences were taken into account and their involvement in care and treatment decisions.

Healthy organisational culture

  • More people who work in NHSScotland would recommend their Board as a good place to work (up 11 percentage points to 61% in 2014). The range across Boards was from 56% to 66%.
  • More people who work in NHSScotland were happy to go the extra mile (up 3 percentage points to 90% in 2014). The range across Boards was from 78% to 93%.
  • More staff agreed that care of patients/service users is their Board's top priority (up 12 percentage points to 67% in 2014) and more staff said they are able to do their job to a standard they are personally happy with (up 4 percentage points to 67% in 2014).
  • The majority of patients staying in hospital said that staff work well together in organising their care (73% in 2014).

Sustainable workforce

  • All NHS Boards have Workforce Plans in place, with the majority of them focussed on the Everyone Matters priorities for action. In addition, all NHS Boards are projecting their future workforce requirements to meet patient needs.
  • There has been an increase in the size of the NHSScotland workforce (up from 135,016 Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) in 2013 to 137,512 WTE in 2014.

Capable workforce

  • The majority of GP practice patients have confidence and trust in the doctors and nurses treating them (in 2012: 90% for doctors; 95% for nurses. In 2014: 90% for doctors; 94% for nurses).
  • The majority of inpatients have confidence and trust in the doctors and nurses treating them in hospital (in 2014: 91% for doctors; 91% for nurses).
  • More staff had a development review / appraisal in the last 12 months (up from 73% in 2013 to 75% in 2014) and a higher proportion said it helped them improve how they do their job (up from 39% in 2013 to 43% in 2014).
  • More doctors completed an appraisal (up from 87% in 2012/13 to 90% in 2013/14).

Integrated workforce

  • Eighty percent of people who used social care services said these services were well co-ordinated (80% in 2014). The range across Community Health Partnerships[3] was from 64% to 89%.
  • Patients said that their home situation was taken into account when leaving hospital (83% in 2012 and 2014). The range across Boards was from 80% to 89%.

Effective leadership and management

  • More staff said their line manager encourages them at work (up from 59% in 2013 to 63% in 2014).
  • More staff said their line manager communicates effectively with them (up from 61% in 2013 to 63% for 2014).
  • More staff said they have a choice in deciding what they do at work (up from 38% in 2013 to 40% in 2014).
  • More staff said that it is safe for them to speak up and challenge the way things are done if they have concerns about quality, negligence or wrongdoing (up from 52% in 2013 to 57% in 2014).

Data sources:

NHSScotland staff surveys http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2014/12/8893

Health and Care Experience Survey http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/GPPatientExperienceSurvey

Inpatient Experience Survey http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Health/InpatientSurvey

ISD Scotland workforce statistics http://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Workforce/


In some cases the question is new so there is no comparative data.

Some surveys are carried out every 2 years.


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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