Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phase 3: Scotland's route map update - 9 July 2020

This publication sets out the move to Phase 3 in Scotland's route map through and out of the crisis.

Outline of key dates

With effect from Friday 10 July

  • Mandatory face coverings in shops and other retail
  • Outdoors – a household can meet up to 4 other households at a time – up to 15 people in total
  • Indoors – a household can meet up to 2 other households at a time – up to 8 people in total. This includes overnight stays
  • A household can meet up to 4 other households per day in total (this is in total – meetings indoors and/or outdoors)
  • The limit on the number of other households you can meet per day (indoors or outdoors) doesn't apply to young people who are younger than 18.
  • Children aged 11 or under no longer need to physically distance indoors. Young people aged 12-17 must continue to physically distance
  • Extended Households: Non cohabiting partners (and any children under 18 in their households) can form an extended household without physical distancing

With effect from Monday 13 July

  • Organised outdoor contact sports, play and physical activity, can resume for children and young people under 18 (subject to guidance)
  • All dental practices begin to see registered patients for non-aerosol routine care. Work will begin to return aerosol generating procedures to practice safely
  • Non-essential shops inside shopping centres can re-open (following guidance and with physical distancing)
  • Face-to-face youth work can resume outdoors (following relevant guidance)

With effect from Wednesday 15 July

  • Places of worship can re-open for congregational services, communal prayer and contemplation with physical distancing and limited numbers
  • All holiday accommodation permitted (following relevant guidance)
  • Indoor hospitality (subject to physical distancing rules and public health advice).
  • Hairdressers and barbers – with enhanced hygiene measures
  • Museums, galleries, monuments, libraries, various other visitor attractions, cinemas (including drive‑ins and venues screening films) – with physical distancing and other measures (e.g. ticketing in advance)
  • All childcare providers can open subject to individual provider arrangements
  • Easing of restrictions on attendance at funerals, marriage ceremonies and civil partnerships registrations, with physical distancing (limited numbers). Associated receptions are subject to restrictions on hospitality and household meetings

With effect from Wednesday 22 July

  • Motorcycle instruction and theory/hazard tests can resume. Tractor tests can also resume
  • Universities and colleges – phased return to on campus learning as part of a blended model with remote teaching. Public health measures (including physical distancing) in place
  • Other personal retail services such as beauticians and tailors can re-open– with enhanced hygiene measures

Not before 31 July

  • Non-essential offices and call centres can re-open following implementation of relevant guidance (including on physical distancing). Working from home and working flexibly remain the default
  • Live events (outdoors) with physical distancing and restricted numbers. Note: this broad category is under review to determine which types of events are safe to resume slightly earlier
  • Live events (indoors) – with physical distancing and restricted numbers
  • Bingo halls (with physical distancing)
  • Other indoor live-entertainment venues (e.g. theatres, music venues)
  • Indoor gyms (with physical distancing and enhanced hygiene measures)
  • Outdoor contact sports (organised for adults and informal for all ages)
  • Driving lessons can resume

Scaling up of public services

During Phase 3, a range of public services will continue to safely re-open and expand. These include the resumption of face-to-face youth work from 13 July (with physical distancing and following relevant guidance).

Public transport continues to scale up to full services, as it moves to a 1 metre physical distancing model once appropriate mitigations are in place, during this phase but will have reduced capacity.

From 11 August: Children to be able to return to school full time (conditional upon ongoing scientific and health advice). The blended model of schooling remains a contingency plan.

Scaling-up health and social care across Phase 3

In line with the NHS remobilisation plan there will be a further expansion of screening services.

Care homes that have been COVID-free throughout the outbreak, or where there have been 28 days since a resident displayed any COVID symptoms, can move to stage 3 of the visiting and communal activity pathway. This allows multiple outdoor visitors, one designated indoor visitor and limited communal living experience to be restarted from 24 July.

GP practices will continue to expand offered services according to local mobilisation plans.

All dental practices may begin to see registered patients for non-aerosol routine care. Urgent care centres will continue to provide aerosol generating procedures. We have commissioned an expert review into the safe introduction of aerosol generating procedures.

Increasing capacity within community optometry practices for emergency and essential eye care.

From 13 July patients will be able to choose an accompanying person to attend appointments with them.

From 13 July, women may identify one designated visitor to accompany them to scans/antenatal/postnatal appointments. In addition to the birth partner, women who choose to can have one additional person attending the birth. Women can have their birth partner and one designated visitor visit in antenatal and postnatal wards.

The full range of birth options will be available across Health Boards, including home birth, from 31 July.

The full national routine schedule of antenatal care and postnatal care with face to face appointments in home or clinical setting is to resume from 31 July, subject to appropriate physical distancing and hygiene measures in waiting areas.

The upscaling of use of digital technology and home monitoring to supplement routine care in maternity and neonatal services will continue.

Antenatal and postnatal Group Sessions to be resumed, virtually or face to face, subject to appropriate physical distancing and hygiene measures from 31 July.

Physiotherapy and Podiatry services have continued to provide essential care throughout, utilising telephone, Near Me and in-person where required. Non-urgent care may now also be provided and both services will continue to remobilise according to local plans, including in person care if necessary, following public health guidance and with additional protective measures in place.

District Nursing services have continued to provide essential care throughout, and services will continue to expand according to local mobilisation plans Health Boards will continue to remobilise pain support services taking into account clinical guidance and local circumstances, in line with the national approach set out in the Scottish Government's Remobilise, Recover and Re-design Framework.

Measuring the impact of changes

The Equality and Fairer Scotland Impact Assessment (EQFSIA) covering the Route Map is published and will be updated as we progress through the remaining Phases. We will publish other relevant impact assessments in due course.



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