Public sector employment in Scotland: statistics for fourth quarter 2019

Statistics based on administrative records and surveys of individual public sector bodies carried out by the Scottish Government and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This is a snapshot of employment as at December 2019.

2. Public Sector Employment by Devolved and Reserved Responsibility; Headcount (see Tables 2, 3 and 4)

The devolved public sector headcount was 1.7% higher and the reserved public sector was 2.6% higher in December 2019, compared with December 2018. The Civil Service saw the largest percentage increase (13.3%) in the devolved sector, while Other Public Bodies had the smallest increase (0.8%). In the reserved public sector, Other Public Sector was 9.8% higher than in December 2018, leading to the overall increase in headcount in the reserved public sector.

The devolved public sector covers those bodies which are the responsibility of the Scottish Government or Scottish Parliament while the reserved public sector in Scotland covers those bodies for which the UK Government has ministerial responsibility.

Figure 2: Make-up of the Scottish Public Sector as at December 2019, Headcount [3]
Figure 2: Make-up of the Scottish Public Sector as at December 2019, Headcount

Source: Public Sector Employment in Scotland, Quarter 4 2019

Changes in the devolved and reserved public sector are explored in more detail in sections 3 and 4 respectively.



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