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Showing 275 news items about Arts, culture and sport

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  1. Investing in Scotland’s entrepreneurs and innovators

    £38 million for high growth companies.

  2. Socialising safely

    Restrictions on outdoor hospitality industry eased.

  3. Lifeline support for Performing Arts Venues

    Dedicated £10 million fund announced.

  4. Final Phase 2 measures confirmed

    Face coverings and 2 metre rule exemptions announced in preparation for Phase 3.

  5. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Dumfries and Galloway

    Delay to relaxation of restrictions in parts of the region.

  6. National Partnership for Culture

    New group set up to deliver Culture Strategy.

  7. Restarting tourism safely

    New workplace guidance published.

  8. Support for zoos

    Package of measures available. 

  9. Support for Fringe Society

    Backing for world’s largest performing arts festival.

  10. Support for tourism industry

    Sector prepares for return to business.

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