Mental Health Scrutiny and Assurance Evidence Review

This is a national review of the scrutiny and assurance of mental health services in Scotland. The aim of this review is to map and assess current scrutiny arrangements, and to inform the Scottish Government’s considerations for how these may be strengthened.

Report limitations

In addition to CI, further social work and social care colleagues were approached to take part but declined to respond. We do therefore acknowledge that accounts are provided from a predominance of health care-based informants, and this may have skewed the findings. Greater consideration of scrutiny activity in social work and social care would have been preferable in order to inform considerations in an integrated service.

The survey included three separate questionnaires focussed on specific groups with different questions. Due to a low response rate this stratification at the early stage meant there was little opportunity to analyse data with anything other than descriptive statistics, because the likelihood of a statistically significant result was minimal.



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