Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support management information - 30 July 2021

Summary of non-local authority funds that are now closed to applications at 30 July 2021.


Since the start of the pandemic last spring, the Scottish Government has made available over £3.7 billion in business support to help mitigate the economic impacts of the virus. 

This note provides Scotland wide management information on funds administered and delivered by local authorities from 1 April 2021 – 30 July 2021, in addition to management information on the Local Authority Discretionary Fund from 2 November 2020 – 30 July 2021.

This is funding that has been made available to businesses affected by the COVID-19 restrictions under various Local Authority administered Covid-19 business support funds.

Taxi and Private Hire Driver and Operators Fund - Drivers Element

No Drivers Paid

total (£)



Taxi and Private Hire Driver and Operators Fund - Operators Element

No Vehicles



10 - 49

50 or more


Operators paid






Amount paid (£)






Local Authority Discretionary Fund*

Applications Received

Applications Waiting to be Processed

Applications Approved

Applications Rejected, deferred or referred

Applications paid

Total value of payments (£)







* Excludes top up given to Glasgow City Council for localised restrictions which paid £769,775 paid to 2020 premises

Routemap Extension Restrictions Fund*


Hospitality less than £51,000 RV

 hospitality more than £51,000 RV

Casino less than £51,000 RV

casino more than £51,000 RV

Nightclub less than £51,000 RV

nightclub  more than £51,000 RV

soft play grant less than £51,000 RV

soft play  more than £51,000 RV



Level 1 Areas


Number of Premises











Total Paid (£) Level 1











Level 2 Areas


Number of Premises











Total Paid (£) Level 2











Level 1 and Level 2 Areas


Total Number of Premises











Total Paid (£)











*This information is not fully reflective of all Local Authority awards due to reporting issues. This will be updated in the next round of Management Information due to be published W/C 6 September 2021

5 June Localised Restrictions Fund*


closure (softplay) less than £51,000 RV

closure  (softplay)  more  than £51,000 RV

restrictions  less than £51,000 RV

restrictions  more than £51,000 RV


Number premises






Amount paid (£)






* As above this is not fully reflective of all Local Authority awards – This will be updated in the next round of Management Information due to be published W/C 6 September 2021

Localised Restrictions Funds (Glasgow and Moray)


closure (softplay) less than £51,000 RV

closure  (softplay)  more than £51,000 RV

restrictions  less than £51,000 RV

restrictions  more than £51,000 RV

Hospitality/ tourism less than £51,000 RV

Hospitality/ tourism  more than £51,000 RV


Number premises








Amount paid (£)








Total Paid through Local Authority delivered funds as at 30 July 2021:  £1,298

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