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Showing 1988 publications about Marine and fisheries

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  1. Fish Health Inspectorate case information: 2020

    FHI case information relating to inspections and visits.

    Part of:
    Publication of Fish Health Inspectorate information
  2. Wild salmon strategy implementation plan progress report: 2023-2024

    A progress report setting out the progress towards delivering the actions in the wild salmon strategy implementation plan in 2023/24 to protect and restore wild salmon populations.

  3. Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment not required declaration - draft

    Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment screening draft examining potential impacts of the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).

  4. Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): business and regulatory impact assessment - draft

    The draft business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) of the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).

  5. Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): child rights and wellbeing impact assessment - draft

    A draft child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) screening to consider the impacts of Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).

  6. Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): equality impact assessment not required - draft

    This draft equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers potential effects of the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI) and how it impacts on people with one or more protected characteristic.

  7. Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): island communities impact assessment - draft

    The draft partial islands communities impact assessment (ICIA) considers the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI) in relation to their impacts on people living in the Islands under Section 8 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018.

  8. Scottish Marine Protected Areas (MPA) monitoring strategy: supporting annexes 1 to 6

    These annexes provide additional context to the MPA monitoring strategy, which outlines our approach to MPA-related survey and monitoring.

  9. Scottish Marine Protected Areas (MPA) monitoring strategy: supporting annexes 7 to 8

    Annexes 7 and 8 of the MPA monitoring strategy covering the recently completed MPA monitoring activities and surveys planned in the next two years.

  10. Scottish Marine Protected Areas (MPA): monitoring strategy

    The Scottish Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring strategy outlines an approach to MPA-related survey and monitoring to ensure that sufficient information is collected to underpin assessment and reporting obligations.

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