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Showing 132 news items about Scottish Budget

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  1. Date set for 2022-23 Scottish Budget

    Spending plans will be published on 9 December.

  2. Balanced budget despite pandemic pressures

    Funding allocated to boost recovery in 2021-22.

  3. Budget deal secured

    New initiatives on free school meals, pay and the environment.

  4. MSPs urged to back Scottish Budget

    Finance Secretary warns “recovery at stake”.

  5. UK Budget must match Scotland’s ambition

    Finance Secretary writes to Chancellor.

  6. Budget Bill passes Stage 1

    Spending to promote Scotland’s recovery and renewal.

  7. Funding to tackle poverty and inequality

    More than £37 million to support low income households.

  8. Non-domestic rates relief extended

    Extra money for mental health, education and tackling poverty.  

  9. Renewed commitment to international development

    Scottish Budget continues support.

  10. £33 billion investment in Scotland’s future

    Supporting 45,000 jobs.

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