Heat in buildings: Local Government Oversight Group


Local government is a key partner in developing and delivering the Heat in Buildings programme. In the Heat in Buildings Strategy, we committed to “work with COSLA to strengthen and integrate governance arrangements on heat and energy efficiency, to ensure effective delivery over the long term.” 

This group was established in March 2023 and meets on a regular basis to provide a forum for dialogue between relevant Scottish Government and COSLA officials on the Heat in Buildings programme and wider heat transition. This includes:

  • updates on policy, regulations, delivery and funding programmes
  • input from COSLA to shape local government’s role in the programme and wider transition
  • identifying and pursuing opportunities for alignment and complementarity between local and Scottish Government policy and programmes to maximise positive outcomes from the heat transition

Related groups


  • James Fowlie, Director of Place Policy, COSLA
  • Robert Nicol, Chief Officer Environment and Economy, COSLA
  • Calum Lindsay, Policy Manager Environment and Economy, COSLA
  • Mike Callaghan, Policy Manager Communities, COSLA


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