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Showing 313 publications about Programme for Government

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  1. New Build Heat Standard 2024: children’s rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Children’s rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) in consideration of the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS). Looking at the implications of moving away from Direct Emissions Heating Systems in new buildings with particular regard for children and young people.

    Part of:
    New Build Heat Standard
  2. New Build Heat Standard 2024: equality impact assessment

    Equality impact assessment (EQIA) considering the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS) proposals and implications of moving away from direct emissions heating systems in new buildings. Considering in detail the impacts and potential for increasing equality as a result of introducing these regulations.

    Part of:
    New Build Heat Standard
  3. New Build Heat Standard 2024: fairer Scotland duty assessment

    Fairer Scotland duty assessment for the New Build Heat Standard looking into the socio-economic impact of moving forward with zero direct emissions heating systems in all new buildings and in helping reduce inequalities in Scotland.

  4. New Build Heat Standard 2024: island communities impact assessment

    Island communities impact assessment (ICIA) owing to the proposals in the New Build Heat Standard (NBHS) with the move toward zero direct emissions heating systems as a standard in all new buildings. Assessing the particular realities of island communities.

    Part of:
    New Build Heat Standard
  5. New Build Heat Standard: consultation - part two analysis

    The New Build Heating Standard (NBHS) consultation: Part II was an opportunity for the Scottish Government to understand a wide variety of stakeholders’ views on a number of specific proposals. This independent analysis presents a report on these views both quantitively and qualitatively.

    Part of:
    New Build Heat Standard
  6. Transformation Advisory Group: May 2023

    Minutes from the meeting of the group on 02 May 2023

  7. Land reform in a Net Zero nation: consultation analysis

    Outlines the findings from an analysis of responses to a public consultation on land reform in a Net Zero nation.

  8. New dementia strategy for Scotland: Everyone's Story

    The new Dementia Strategy for Scotland is a 10-year vision for change. This strategy was developed in collaboration with people with lived experience and our wider partners. It is the culmination of eight months of engagement with people across Scotland, focussed on how we improve delivery

  9. New dementia strategy for Scotland: summary

    This summary of our New Dementia Strategy for Scotland (a 10-year vision for change) sets out the difference we want to make, prioritising how we improve delivery and impact, with a focus on enhancing community supports.

  10. Fair Work Action Plan 2022 and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy 2022: Fairer Scotland duty assessment

    Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment (FSDA) of the Fair Work Action Plan 2022 and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy 2022.

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